About CanCAF


A month of digital comics events spotlighting top creators from Canada and around the world.

Comics festival across Canada are thrilled to announce a month-long digital initiative called #CanCAF. Each participating festival or event is programming a variety of comics related events, from workshops to interviews, live drawing to panel discussions, podcasts to videocasts, and you can check out the #CanCAF tag across to social media to see the great material being created.

Creators, publishers, and other comics events who would like to create content for the #CanCAF digital event, please reach out to contact@cancaf.com.

#CanCAF is a joint initiative of, and presented by: 

  • Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF)
  • Québec BD
  • Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF)
  • Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VanCAF)

Please see the complete press release in English and in French at the bottom of this page, and keep reading for the schedule of events!


Looking for great comics content but don’t wanna bother with a schedule? Here are the main places to look for material related to #CanCAF online:

TCAF Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TorontoComics

VanCAF Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1gkGVCNIKp16sBUo8own2A

MCAF Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCBmkc2W-ViAOCd4R7edp3Q

Quebec BD Channel of Facebook: Facebook Link

True North Country Comics Podcast: Canadian Comics Creator Interviews